Sunday, September 16, 2012

Big Pumpkin

Title: Big Pumpkin

Author: Erica Silverman 

Illustrated: S.D Schlinder

Published: 1995

Publisher: Aladdin

Interest Level: Preschool-2

So What Is Book About?

The witch has grown the biggest pumpkin ever, and now she wants to make herself a pumpkin pie for Halloween. However, the pumpkin is so big she cannot get it off the vine. It is so big the ghost cannot even move it,either. Neither can the vampire, not even the mummy. It looks like there will be no pumpkin pit for Halloween, until along comes the bat with an idea to save the day!

What is really cool about this book:

This book is available as a audio book on Itunes, Kindle etc. This comes in handy when you have a little one on a car ride.  They may not yet know how to read, but they can flip the pages along with the narrator. Each time it it is time to turn the page a bing is played. Very handy when you are in a pinch and need some car ride entertainment. 

What I Thought of This Book:

This was actually my first time reading this book. It was cute, and teaching children how working together is better. Oops, just spoiled the ending so do not read this aloud to any children. It shows children, and adults that just because you may be bigger it doesn't mean you are better. Sometimes the littlest people can have the biggest, and most brilliant ideas.

Look What I Found!!:

Here are some potential activities to do with your children/class:

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