Sunday, September 30, 2012

In and Out of the Toy Box

Title: In and Out of the Toy Box
Author: Adria Klein

Illustrated: Dennis Dittrich

Published: 1999

Publisher: Metropolitan Teaching and Learning Company

Interest Level: K-2

Reading Level: B

Genre: Picture Books

  • This story allows for a child to understand mathematics. It allows them to add and subtract the number of toys that have entered the room, and hopped back into the box. 
Plot: Linear
Theme: Explicit


This story's plot is simple. The children want to go outside so they put all their toys away. The toys, however have other ideas and begin to hop out. Each hopping out in certain numbers,and hopping back in. This book allows for child to start learning math skills in a creative manner, if they are at that age of course. At the end we see that all the toys are back in the toy box before the children are done playing. 

           ***please excuse the bad photography, I had to take this picture myself***

Klein, Adria. In and Out of the Toy Box. New York, New York: Metropolitan Teaching and Learning Company, 1999. Print.

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