Sunday, September 30, 2012

Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear

Title: Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear

Author:  Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Illustrated: Pat Schories

Published: 2011

Publisher: Scholastic Inc. arrangement with HarperCollins

Interest Level: PreK-1

Reading Level:  Shared Reading
  • Basic language, word repetition, and whimsical illustrations, ideal for sharing with emergent readers

Genre: Picture Series

Plot: Linear

Theme: Explicit 

Whose Teddy Bear is it?

That is the main conflict in this story. A girl and her dog on the quest to find the owner of the teddy bear. They ask around to everyone they seem to know. Everyone says that is it not their bear until they see a bunch of boxes. These bunch of boxes lead to little boy whom that teddy bear belong too. The teddy bear is returned, all is then right with the world again.

Who is Biscuit?

Biscuit is just a simply caring dog it seems. He has no human characteristics and his owner is simply a little girl. They can be said to determined and caring. 

There is no "bad guy", just a bad situation in which a little boy is teddy bear less. 

Satin Capucilli, Alyssa. Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear . New York, New York: Scholastic Inc, 2011. Print.

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